Solara Vacation Home uses EpiXsky to help customize themed rooms including an airplane interior home theater and a Las Vegas game room.

Creativity at it’s best!

This client wanted their home theater to look like the cabin of an airplane. Using LED backlit Panels, custom lit signage and led fiber optic lighted murals, this home is one of a kind, EpiXsky also helped them add star panels and an in-flight home theater!
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EpiXsky fabricated the windows and the lighting team utilized LED edge lit acrylic with RF controller to give the client the option of changing the brightness of the windows. A fiber optic pulsing red light was added to the wing tip as a special effect. The final touch was a halo lit sign to hang in the back of the “cabin” for ambiance as well as star ceiling panels to add the infinity feel when the “cabin” is dark for movie time.